Fabletics VIP Membership Event

Under the Sun Photo and Video Production Company » My blog » Fabletics VIP Membership Event
It happened, Fabletics VIP membership event and the Grand Opening of the store at the Aventura mall. And let me tell you, It was awesome! As you probably saw, I was covering another Fabletics event a week ago, and I thought it couldn’t get better. Well, I was pleased to see Fabltic’s team exceeded my expectations. Fabletics team and Aventura mall made many people feel welcomed! But let me start from the beginning.
The call time for me and my videographer was 8 AM, and I have to admit it was a little too early for me 🙂 The group yoga class started at 9 AM, and here I thought who will show up? At first, the line was about 20 people, but in the end, I counted about 80 motivated women ready to spend their Saturday morning with a purpose. And, of course, get their gifts. I got one too, by the way, a cool stainless steel bottle. The Yoga lesson was excellent, about an hour of the intense workout. These two ladies in red made everyone sweat and smile! The energy in the room was unbelievable! I mean, look at those happy girls, working out! And my favorite was this adorable daughter trying to repeat every exercise after her mom!
So when the yoga was over, it was time for some champagne and fresh smoothies. So everyone headed over to the sore. The line was long, and I mean loooooong. Many people skipped the yoga and came just for the grand opening. The idea was to sign up for the Fabletics VIP membership and get new leggings. And the professional team made it happen. No guest left without a free pair of leggings (vivid red or pink camo). And yes, I got one too. I went with the pink camo and had no regrets! The quality is amazing! I was so excited to go home and try them on! 🙂
Fabletics team wanted the photos ASAP, so I had just a few hours to go through almost 500 images and edit the selects. Then, once I sent pictures to the marketing team, I was relieved. It was time for a short break, finally. My videographer, however, had to work longer. He did a fantastic job going through the video footage and editing the video to the 90-second reel, which I will repost as soon as the Fabletics team launches the video!
So I hope you enjoy the images from the event! If you are thinking about signing up for a VIP membership from Fabletics, follow the link and read carefully! And, if you need a photographer for your next event, reach out to us for a free consultation!