There are a lot of perks to being a Celebrity Photographer in Miami! You get to meet so many talented people. This time, when I realized who am I going to shoot I was so excited. This is Jordi Mollà, a guy from Jack Ryan and Bad Boys 2 and many more movies! Oh, wait, is he also an artist? And a good one I see!
I arrived at his studio in the morning to get ready for a quick photoshoot. Luckily I had some time to walk around the studio, take some photos of the art and simply enjoy it. Shortly after the interview started it was clear, Mollà put a lot of thought into his art. Later I learned Mollà is a self-taught painter, which made sense to me, looking at his success as an actor. He channels his passion and emotions into the artwork as much as into his acting! I believe his art and his acting are interconnected within him!
I like this paragraph from StyleandPolity.com:
Molla has long parcelled his time between acting and art. He has a practical outlook to making his paintings and other pieces: “A painting is something that you live within your house, the painting is always there.” The person who buys it “wants to live with this energy, of the painting. You (the collector) see things in it the first days but then after a time it gets blurry, it becomes part of your home. But when you leave home for some time and return, you see the painting again.”
And a paragraph from Mollà's website summarizes my thoughts:
“Mollà the painter draws as much from the world around him as he does the world within him. The kaleidoscope of external tastes, textures, aromas, personalities, and experiences…” Read more about the artist
So enjoy a few more photos of Jordi Mollà for and read a full article here: StyleandPolity.com. And if you are looking to book a celebrity photographer in Miami, drop us a line!